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fonds commun, placement garantie, reer et celiProducts and investment services to investors. Please choose a theme to see a short explanation. If you want to know more or would like to take action, please contact us.


An RRSP is a retirement savings plan that you have established and we recorded, which you or your spouse or common-law partner contribute. The deductible RRSP contributions can be used to reduce your tax. Any income you earn in the RRSP is usually exempt from tax for the time the funds remain in the plan. However, you generally have to pay the tax when you receive payments from the plan.
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If you have children or grandchildren, you want them to have every advantage. Setting aside money for their post-secondary education opens doors for them, and a registered education savings plan (RESP) can help you save more, faster.


A RRIF is a fund that you set with a transmitter and we recorded. You transfer your transmitter goods usually from an RRSP, RPP or another RRIF, and the issuer pays your payments. We can establish a RRIF at any time, but it must be done no later than the year in which the annuitant turns 71. When the RRIF is established, we can not make other contributions to the plan or terminate except at death.


In 2009, the federal government introduced a savings tool called free savings account (TFSA). The TFSA allows Canadian residents at least 18 years of age with a valid Canadian social insurance number, touch investment income tax-free throughout their lives. Contributions to a TFSA are not tax deductible. However, contributions to a TFSA, the income from them (eg, investment income and capital gains) and amounts derived therefrom are not taxable.
An individual may make contributions to a TFSA up his unused contribution room. The amount representing the unused contribution room can be carried forward to future years. The total amount of TFSA withdrawals made during a calendar year is added to the contribution to a TFSA of the following calendar year. From 2009 to 2012, the TFSA dollar limit was $ 5 000 per year. Adding increased indexation of 2% for the year 2013 the cumulative index since 2010, and if the result is rounded to the nearest $ 500, the TFSA dollar limit is set at $ 5 500 for year 2013.
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Retirement account (LIRA) is a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), since it is a savings vehicle for retirement. The amounts contained initially come from a supplemental pension plan ("Pension Fund").


Manulife Bank account competitive rates. All deposit accounts high Manulife Bank offer a preferential interest on every dollar on deposit and easy access to your cash rates. In addition, you can sleep in peace when your funds are safe in a reputable financial institution with financial advisors to manage your money carefully.


A segregated fund is a type of investment similar to a mutual fund, but usually with a guarantee in case of death and a maturity guarantee.


Funding for debt investments is simply to borrow to make investments in order to increase your wealth.
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